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BOSLABS XL - workshopweek

Boslabs, het creatief laboratorium van het bos, organiseert een reeks workshops tussen 11 en 14 april. We werken een hele week rond zeefdruk, film en sound. Kom je mee doen?

SOUND LAB door Stadsduiven

Educatieve audioclub die muzikanten en muziekliefhebbers spelenderwijs in aanraking wil brengen met nieuwe geluidstechnieken. We bouwen een interactieve geluidsinstallatie met abelton, arduino, vijzen, schroeven, hout, pet flessen of fietswielen. Elektronisch genie Joris Swingen zorgt voor technische ondersteuning en de audio software.


ZEEFDRUK EN PETTEN MAKEN door Karen Spiessens en Livio Gritti

Livio Gritti is een zwitserse pettenmaker die in Antwerpen woont. Hij naait petten van ontwerp tot voorwerp met enkel natuurlijke en gerecycleerde stoffen.
Karen spiessens zeefdrukt texiel, papier of andere materialen. In een, twee of drie kleuren. Voor deze workshop bundelen ze hun krachten. Ontwerp of bedruk je eigen kledingstuk, totebag of pet!


VIDEOWORKSHOP door Anne Reijniers / De imagerie

Als filmmaker geeft Anne Reijniers regelmatig videoworkshops. Met gsm's of andere camera's filmen we een scène in het bos, op zoveel verschillende manier als er camera's zijn. Hoe ziet het beeld eruit van ver? Of dichtbij? In beweging? Vanuit stilstand? Hoog? Laag? We maken een voice-over met onze eigen stem. Op het einde tonen we alle scènes op groot scherm!


11 tot 14 april telkens van 13u tot 17u
30€ of reductietarief

Maak je keuze en schrijf je in via karen@hetbos.be


→ Project: BOSLABS
BOSLABS XL - toonmoment
→ Project: BOSLABS
Boskeuken: MEYHANE

Özge en Gizem nodigen u uit in hun Meyhane, een traditioneel Perzisch restaurant dat drank en meze serveert. Voor hen draait het echter vooral om het samenzijn, samen eten en samen drinken.

Reserveren kan via s.ozgeakarsu@gmail.com 

→ Project: OPEN KEUKEN

TRUE WIDOW (vs, Relapse Records)
"Dallas trio TRUE WIDOW craft patient, rounded music that calls to mind images of foggy dawns and parched fields. Formed in November 2007, TRUE WIDOW released their self-titled debut a year later and immediately caught the ears of the underground. At its core, the music of TRUE WIDOW is powered by the driving, guitar-dense aspects of shoegaze and stoner rock and the heavy, low-moving evocations of ambient music.

Following their auspicious start, the band returned in 2011 with their sophomore full length, As High As The Highest Heavens And From The Center To The Circumference Of The Earth. As High As The Highest Heavens saw the band solidify their direction and further mature their sound, but it wasn't until 2013's Circumambulation (TRUE WIDOW's debut album for independent label Relapse Records) that they reached the heights - both professionally and compositionally - they have now. Circumambulation garnered the band widespread praise both within and beyond the metal world and was praised by publications as diverse as Pitchfork, NPR, Decibel Magazine, and Metal Injection. The band followed up the success of that album with extensive touring across the US, Russia, and Europe, including numerous appearances at renowned festivals such as Roadburn, Fun Fun Fun Fest, Psycho California, and more.

Last year, Avvolgere, the forthcoming LP from Texas trio TRUE WIDOW, perfects the formula that Circumambulation established. The album rocks and rolls with serene, rounded climaxes and steep, jangling choruses that engulf the listener with waves of downbeat, saccharine melodies and mesmerizing distortion. TRUE WIDOW's signature alternation between male and female vocals helps further blur the boundaries between the heft of stoner rock, the droning atmosphere of shoegaze, and the twangy catchiness of blues and indie rock. It's both concise and circuitous - the album takes you on a journey that you can't ever quite predict or expect. Avvolgere is TRUE WIDOW sounding more infectious and consummate than ever before."


→ Lees hier het interview dat Bos-medewerker Thomas Camps had met Timothy sparks van True Widow.

KING WOMAN (vs, Relapse Records)
"San Francisco's KING WOMAN unveil their debut full-length Created In The Image of Suffering, a profoundly crafted opus of brooding, ethereal doom-rock. Led by the hypnotic and breathy vocal dramatics of Kristina Esfandiari, KING WOMAN harness the elastic textures and temporality of drone and metallic shoegaze alongside the transcendental, melancholic power of doom. Recorded with engineer Jack Shirley (Deafheaven, Wreck & Reference, Oathbreaker) at the Atomic Garden, Created In The Image of Suffering's seven compositions evoke rich, gloomy imagery with crumbling washes of blurred, billowing distortion densely layered atop hazy, psychedelic atmospheres that call to mind a surrealistic Black Sabbath fronted by Mazzy Star. Complete with deeply personal, introspective lyrics that serve as catharsis for years of religious and mental torment, KING WOMAN truly suffer to create their art."


Tickets: VVK 12€