"The master students Costume Design of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp are pleased to present their Master Projects in HET BOS & DE NWE TIJD. They invite you to attend the presentation of their personal research and final projects. The work presented covers different media in the field of performing arts, dance, theatre, performance, installation and video art."
Graduation projects by Camilla Melelli, Cisse Royens, Elina Valdmane, Eleni Theodoropoulou, Mieke Vandensande, Manuela Vilanova, Ruby Renteurs, Sietske Van Aerde and Vittoria Spadafora.
Work in progress by Annelies Rasker, Jessica Krepinsky, Laksanaporn Mink Chonsamoe and Luuk Van Herp.
14u-22u: Annelies Rasker, Sietske Van Aerde, Laksanaporn Mink Chonsamoe & Luuk Van Erp, Jessica Krepinski, Elina Valdame, Ruby Renteurs en Camilla Melelli (doorlopend)
14u: Performance Laksanaporn Mink Chonsamoe & Luuk Van Erp
14u45: Performance Mieke Vandesande
16u: Performance Manuela Vilanova
19u30: Performance Mieke Vandesande
20u: Performance Manuela Vilanova
COSTUME DESIGN (master exhibition)